A Tribute to Ilinda Jackson

Ilinda Jackson is a local hero and bold woman of faith who has labored tirelessly to bring restoration to her community. She has also led the way in showing what sacrificial generosity looks like:….sharing. Several years ago, Ilinda reached out with an invitation to a “very simple luncheon” to raise funds for the work that she does with providing transitional housing, training, and care for post-incarcerated women. 

When Ilinda calls, you show up. Her faithful presence and service in the community makes her one of the greatest among us. So, my husband and I dusted ourselves off after a series of 12hr+ workdays to show up for a friend and a colleague. What we didn’t expect was that she would take time to honor us and other Black nonprofit leaders so lavishly by telling our stories and then sharing the proceeds from the luncheon. We. Were. Stunned.  We all knew the funding struggle, and to see one of our own being the giver was transformative.

Ilinda, you show us what it looks like to refute a “lack mentality” and to be the giver, even in the face of our own need. Regardless of our wealth class, color, or the neighborhood we live in, you challenge us to be better and to do better. You know how to speak the hard truth with love. You have been a masterful weaver of relationships, embodying wisdom and generosity.  The Loom, and everyone featured in Volume 3, has been touched by your care and example.

We are deeply grateful for your sacrificial generosity, humility, honor, and love. You are quietly and consistently changing lives as you walk out your faith by serving others. You are a model of perseverance and long obedience in a community. You lead leaders toward their best selves and to give their best to others. You have raised stellar children and are a mother in our city. As we see you give and receive, we heal and grow and rise up to bless you.

With honor and much love,

Scotia Moore

Learn more about Ilinda and her work.